Friday, 4 February 2011

Today I have designed 4 badges.. two of them have backgrounds that can be changed.
I am currently on photoshop designing the badges.
I have looked at badges that ethical fashion have and they have given me ideas.DSCN6504.jpg

my target for next lesson is to finish my badges and to start other promotional items, like shirts, or bags.

Friday, 21 January 2011

Today I started to create a poster for the festival
I created a facebook event page for the festival

Clothes Swapping

Today I was shown a presentation on Clothes swapping, I learned that there are people that swap clothes so they can change their wardrobe without waisting money, for example if you go to a charity show you can donate clothes and you can give clothes, but you wont get anything in return with out paying.
In my opinion I think that clothes swapping is a great idea to socialise and find new accessories, this is a good way for women to join together and have fun choosing clothes and giving the 'oldies' to someone that can make them new again. Some people don't like the idea of swapping clothes but the idea of swapping accessories is a more open minded idea, for some the idea of using someone clothes is a personal issue, each piece of clothing has its own history with the owner and to some its hard to give away the old memories.

I think that we could use the idea of swapping clothes in the festival, its a good way for the audience to participate and be more interactive with the whole festival.

The positive sides to clothes swapping are that you don't have to use your money, you just need to bring clothes that are still in good use and its a good way for women to socialise.

The negative sides to clothes swapping are that people all have their own unique sizes and not everyone will bring different sizes, not all women like the idea of using other peoples clothes, that can be changed if its more of an accessories swap that way women can swap bags, necklaces and bracelets, that way it is more hygienic and people are more able to chose what appeals to them without having too much worry in sizes, if its clean, if its still in good use....

Friday, 14 January 2011

In my lesson

Today I finished my chosen logo design, we have one that everyone chose, but I wanted to create one for myself just i case we needed to change the logo for any specific reason.

I started to create my own ticket design, there are going to be tickets available for the festival and I wanted to do an original design instead of having the traditional rectangular shape.

I looked for charities that have to do with ethical fashion, and I looked at what they think about it, what was their original idea on ethical fashion, if they had any problems because people don't think too much on the whole ethical fashion idea, how they developed, if ethical fashion was their motivation to create a charity.

My targets for next lesson is to look at clothes swapping, to discuss what I think about the whole idea of swapping clothes with other people with out using money, how can I incorporate this idea into the festival, to look at the positives and negatives on clothes swapping.